1995 by Neale Donald Walsch All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without permissionin writing from the author, except for brief passagesin connection with a review.Published by Millennium Legacies Inc.PMB #11441257 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, OR 97520Distributed by Hampton Roads Publishing Company 1125 Stoney Ridge RoadCharlottesville, VA 22902call: 1-800-766-8009email: hrpc@hrpub.com web site: http://www.hrpub.comIf you are unable to order this book from your localbookseller, you may order directly from the distributorabove. Quantity discounts for organizations are available.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 00 091352ISBN 0-9678755-0-110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
In memory of
Francis H. Treon
a Futzu (Master) in Gohn Dagow(a classical, southern Chinese, soft,monk form of self development),who devoted his life to being a
Bringer of the Light.
he world needs yourLight now.Not tomorrow. Now.Of course, you know this. That’s why you’ve found your way to this book.This book will tell you how to shine your Light.It’s a very simple book, about a very simple process. Yet the process, though simple, may not seem easy.So listen. Watch. Pay attention.Listen to what this book has to say. Watch theresults in your life. And pay attention to how it’s allfalling together.It is falling together, you know. It may not
like it, but it is. Usually when your life looks like it’sfalling apart, it’s really falling together. Often, forthe first time.
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ing” at home. At his church. With his friends. And whenever and wherever he could “be” that.This is, in fact, what he did, soon after he aban-doned his attempt to “make a living” doing whatcrystal healers do, or what massage therapists do, or what ministers do, or whatever he thought he hadto do in order to “be” a “healer”...In other words, instead of trying to be a HEALER,he decided to simply be HEALING.He returned to what he had been “doing” beforehe’d decided to become a healer, which broughtmoney back into his life almost instantly.His wife returned to him, too, which was a sourceof great happiness to him. Even his health returnedto normal, for it had been going slowly downhillduring the months he’d been trying to “be” a“healer.”Now the problem was, how was he going to beable to tolerate his old occupation, knowing that whathe really wanted to do was be a healer?The answer was simple. He was going to see his
Bringers of the Light
occupation in a new way. Just as he saw all of Life ina new way. For he now saw every moment and every situation as an opportunity to
be healing.
Being now on the road to life mastery, he saw
opposition as op-portunity.
This changed his whole life around. Where be-fore at this job he saw conflict and wanted to runaway from it, now he stood in the midst of it andbrought healing. Within months his reputation asa healing, helping person spread. At work, he wassoon removed from his former job and asked if he would accept a position in charge of employee mo-rale. In his church, he became head of the team on Well Being. In his home, his spouse and his chil-dren found a new place of comfort to which to go intheir moments of confusion, conflict, or despair.Never before did this man have such a rich and wonderful experience of Who He Really Is.But it went further. Soon, people in the commu-nity began to hear about him, mainly from his ac-tivities at church and on his job. One day he was
Neale Donald Walsch
asked by a friend if he would have the time and the willingness to volunteer with a local hospice organi-zation. He knew instinctively this was a place wherehe could express and experience a part of himself, aside of himself, which longed for richer and richerunfoldment. His wife encouraged him. His minis-ter thought it was a wonderful place for his skills.His employer even gave him a certain amount of time
on the clock
each month to undertake the work, if he would be kind enough to tell the hospice that he was representing the company. Soon, his work withthe hospice became the company’s “in-kind contri-bution” to this charitable organization.The hospice staff saw his obvious desire, his abil-ity, his enthusiasm for working with people — bothpatients and volunteers — in this unique setting. Ittook only a few months for the organization to real-ize that it had a very valuable man in its midst.Then, as “luck” would have it, the head of Patientand Family Well Being at the hospice — a lay person working in close concert with the chief medical
officer — moved to another town to accept a new opportunity... You already know the end of this. Today, whenhe is not working directly with the terminally ill andtheir families in his home organization, this mantravels the country speaking to hospice staff and vol-unteers. He has written a book, appeared on televi-sion, lectured at universities and churches all across America. Recently, at one of those lectures, he wasintroduced in a way which caught his ear.“Ladies and gentlemen,” the moderator began, “I would like to introduce to you a man who knowsand deeply understands the meaning of the word‘healer’.”This is how it happens. Had this man tried tobecome a hospice advocate, author, and activist inthe first place, he may never have succeeded. In fact,the idea of even
this kind of thing may neverhad occurred to him. Yet here he was. A Healer.
Bringers of the Light
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